Alloy Personal Training Business

17: Hiring Great Trainers - Part 2

Episode Summary

In this episode, we discuss our best practices for interviewing and onboarding personal trainers. Stay tuned as we discuss as to once you identify some candidates, how you take them through that process and how it works. - - -> Learn more at - - >

Episode Notes

In this episode, we discuss our best practices for interviewing and on-boarding personal trainers. Once you identify some candidates, how do you take them through that process and how does it work?

How do you attract the right kind of talent? As we discussed in the last episode, interns and existing clients could turn out to be great resources. If you launch an ad, you get a lot of people who aren't serious.

If you're truly going out and hiring from the outside, put some things in that ad that speak to the seriousness of the position, speak to the intrinsic motivations that coaches have, which is changing lives, doing things like that. And certainly, what the parameters of the expectations for income would be as well.

You really want to perhaps mention some attributes that have to do with your core values in your ads. 

Review the resumes that you get. If a candidate looks good on paper, do a short phone call first. Ask a bunch of questions - why they're interested, what they’ve done in the past… just your usual get-to-know questions. 

Then you set a tripwire. We currently use a personality analysis. We send them an email with a test. Half the people won't even take the time to click on the link and take the test. So that’s your tripwire!

Stay tuned to know more.

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