Alloy Personal Training Business

Applying The Kanter's Law In Your Fitness Business

Episode Summary

In this episode, Matt and Rick break down Kanter's Law and how it can help you set expectations for your business and life. → Learn more at →

Episode Notes

Kanter's law states that everything looks infinitely harder when you are in the middle. 

It was coined by Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a professor at the Harvard Law School. 

In this episode, we discuss this law through the lens of franchising. 

Just every new thing, when buying a franchise, you'll be very excited about the idea of starting a new project. On the other end, a great exit is something all entrepreneurs look forward to. 

However, there will be lots of lumps and bumps in the middle. There will be lots of hard work. At some point, you may even feel like giving up. 

Applying Kanter's law in fitness or anything else in life prepares us for the difficult part in the middle. If you want to do anything meaningful in life and business, you must be prepared for the hard part in the middle. 

Tune in to hear more details on how you can apply Kanter's law in your fitness business and life. 

Key Takeaways

- What is Kanter's law (02:27)

- Applying the Kanter's law in fitness franchising (03:43)

- Steeling for the difficult middle part of a project (06:29)

- It's not a linear progression from start to finish (08:50)

- How to embrace the middle (14:52)

Additional Resources:


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