Alloy Personal Training Business

Do Your Job!

Episode Summary

In this episode, we discuss the power of the simple statement, "do your job.” We explore what it really means to your business and how to implement it into your company culture. → Learn more at →

Episode Notes

‘Do Your Job’ is a simple yet powerful statement that can help a business or a team achieve all their goals if every team member were to do their job with conviction. It is almost like a substitute for our core value number 1 here at Alloy, which states ‘Own it.’

These statements mean that you have to own your role and perform it diligently. In small businesses, you may need support from others, and part of owning your job is working with the rest of the team and understanding what they are doing.

As a leader in your business, you have to make your team own their roles and do their job. First thing you need to do is to set up clear expectations for their roles. Some of the expectations can be numbers-driven or KPIs. With this in place, they will know what is expected of them when you tell them to do their job. The second thing is to create a culture in the gym where everybody owns their role.  

Tune in to this episode to learn of the different roles in a small group personal training and how ‘do your job’ applies to each as well as how to foster and enshrine this culture in your business.

Key Takeaways

Additional Resources:


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