Alloy Personal Training Business

Imposter Syndrome

Episode Summary

Have you ever felt that you didn't deserve your success? That any moment someone will find out that you are not as smart, successful, competent as they think you are? If so, you are not alone! As a matter of fact, it a natural part of growth and entrepreneurship. Listen in as we discuss our professional journeys and how you can use imposter syndrome as fuel for success. → Learn more at →

Episode Notes

Have you ever felt that you didn't deserve your success? That any moment someone will find out that you are not as smart, successful, competent as they think you are? If so, you are not alone! As a matter of fact, it a natural part of growth and entrepreneurship. Listen in as we discuss our professional journeys and how you can use imposter syndrome as fuel for success.

As a business person or a leader trying to level up, it is inevitable that you will occasionally suffer from imposter syndrome. Even though you'll feel like a phony when it hits you, it is a good thing because it means you are putting yourself in uncomfortable situations, which leads to your growth.

Rick takes us through his personal training career and how the imposter syndrome has manifested at different times. He advises that if you are always trying to grow in your business or career, the imposter syndrome never goes away. You will always be trying new things, and you will suck in the beginning. However, this means you are stretching your abilities, and you are getting better.

In the process of overcoming the feeling of being an imposter, you push yourself to be better and learn more, which ultimately leads to your growth. If you don't work to push through the imposter syndrome, you will never accomplish anything significant because you will always be paralyzed by fear.

Want to know how to push through the imposter syndrome? Click play on this episode and hear how Rick combats these feelings every time they come up.

Key Takeaways

Additional Resources:


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