Alloy Personal Training Business

Mind the Gap, Chase the Gain: Unleashing Potential in Your Business/Life

Episode Summary

In this episode, Matt and Rick discuss the concepts from the book "The Gap and The Gain" and how to apply them to your business and life.

Episode Notes

Have you ever felt like you're stuck on a hamster wheel, constantly striving for a distant goalpost that just keeps moving?

You hustle, you grind, but all you see is the chasm between where you are and where you want to be.

This is the gap, and it's a master at breeding anxiety, dissatisfaction, and that nagging voice whispering, "Not good enough."

The gain is about celebrating the small wins, acknowledging the progress, and cherishing the distance you've covered, not just the distance left to run.

But living in the gain isn't always easy. We're bombarded with social media's highlight reels, constantly reminded of everyone else's conquests. This gap-widening algorithm can make it tempting to slip back into the comparison trap. 

So, how do we stay grounded in the gain?

In this episode, Matt and Rick discuss the concepts from the book "The Gap and The Gain" and how to apply them to your business and life.

Key Takeaways

Intro (00:00)

The Gap and The Gain Concept (05:34)

The gap between current success and desired outcomes (08:53)

Reflecting on progress (17:20)

How to acknowledge progress and hard work (18:41)

Looking for wins (21:40)

Self-reflection and personal growth (24:52)

Additional Resources:

- The Gap And The Gain Book:


- Alloy Personal Training

- Learn About The Alloy Franchise Opportunity


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