Alloy Personal Training Business

Social Media Greatness with Vanessa Phillips

Episode Summary

In this episode, Rick interviews Alloy Personal Training Franchise social media vendor Vanessa Phillips. Vanessa shares sage advice on how and why to post relevant, consistent social media content for your business.

Episode Notes

In this episode, Rick sits down with Vanessa Phillips, a social media vendor for Alloy Personal Training.

She first started out as a fitness client for our Alloy Billings location and got to love the culture there and offered to help the business with her photography and social media skills. Her efforts led to higher engagement, and other franchisees noticed something different with her social postings.

She explains how to create a social media strategy that works and shares tips on engaging with your audience on different platforms.

Vanessa shares valuable insights into the importance of posting relevant and consistent social media content for your business.

Posting relevant and consistent content is critical for a local brick-and-mortar business because it helps you build trust with your audience.

When you provide your followers with valuable information, entertainment, or inspiration on a regular basis, they're more likely to view you as an authority in your industry and engage with your brand. Plus, it keeps your brand top-of-mind, which is important when customers are ready to make a purchase.

Listen in as she explains how she does it and gives some tips to help your social media strategy.

Key Takeaways

- Vanessa's background (02:28)

- How Vanesa works for different Alloy locations (06:23)

- Why you need to hire out your social media tasks (11:33)

- Benefits of organic posting (12:41)

- Driving up engagement (16:24)

- Show up consistently and provide value (23:56)

Additional Resources:

👉 If you an Alloy Franchisee, check out Vanessa's contact details in our vendor suite. 


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